Decoding the Language of Genes

The intersection between Biodecoding and epigenetics

I understand why people may doubt Biodecoding, as it may sound like something out of science fiction. Even I was skeptical when I first heard of it. Ten years ago, I was a very logical and practical person. In fact, I started my journey towards self-awareness to improve my work performance. I was inspired by successful individuals such as Steve Jobs, Marc Benioff, and Ariana Huffington, who attributed their creativity, focus and work-life balance to a mindfulness practice. Even Google introduced a mindfulness program on their campus to enhance productivity. Suddenly, success seemed to include meditation, so I reluctantly began a daily meditation practice that led me to success, indeed, just a different kind.

My journey led me to the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, who has gathered incredible evidence on epigenetics. The epigenome is dynamic and responsive to various factors, including lifestyle and environment. It bridges the gap between nature and nurture. Our genetic code is inherited, but the epigenetic mechanisms are influenced by our thoughts and emotions, potentially leading to changes in DNA expression of genes associated with stress response, inflammation, and overall well-being.

We now have evidence that we are not just a body; our body comprises trillions of cells with electricity in their core. This electricity builds our energetic field. In fact, everything around us has its energetic field. You can visualize it like a grid around you and then visualize the grids of other people around you. It is easy to understand how we “connect” with our environment. The energy has a frequency and will attract similar energy, which creates the “law of attraction.” Your emotional state determines the frequency of your energy, and this is where biological decoding comes in.

As humans, we are constantly experiencing and decoding the world around us. We have an innate need to make sense of things and protect ourselves by establishing rules so we can respond faster. As events unfold, we give meaning to the situation and form beliefs based on whether our emotions and needs were satisfied. This forms the foundation of who we are and how we behave.

In summary, we have a pre-set view of the world that automates our emotional responses. These emotions trigger thoughts, which, in turn, impact our energetic field, our body, and what we attract.

Biodecoding is based on the original findings by Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, who created what is known as German New Medicine (GNM). The core idea of GNM is that unresolved traumas cause the body to respond in primal ways to help us survive. In other words, symptoms that we think of as diseases are often attempts by the body to help us satisfy a biological need.

Christian Fleche, who has a background in medicine and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), has built upon Dr. Hamer’s theories by analyzing and decoding the human system in a more detailed manner. He worked alongside many practitioners and doctors who compiled data to arrive at the general codes used today. Fleche developed hundreds of protocols using various techniques, including NLP, hypnosis, and Ericksonian coaching, to reach and release locked emotions.

Needless to say, I now enjoy meditation and other mindfulness practices and value them as foundational for my well-being. I obtained my certification as a Biodecoding coach from Christian Fleche’s school. It has been a fantastic experience to apply these theories in practice with clients and witness significant improvement in their emotional and mental well-being. By releasing emotions, changing beliefs, and adopting a positive mindset, they can change their frequency and create their desired life. This is not science fiction, nor is it blind faith. This is neuroscience. Anyone can experience it if they are willing to work on themselves, dive into their belief system, and commit to personal transformation.

“Your personality creates your personal reality”

Joe Dispenza

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